Sunscreen: natural vs. chemical

We think we are doing something so good for ourselves and our family, but chemical sunscreens pose a serious threat to our health and to the environment. Slathering on chemicals foreign to our bodies to keep out the sun which is vital for good health is counterproductive, as I will explain in more detail after tips to protect yourself. There are many moving parts to sun protection and how important it is to be protected, but also to get enough exposure so you get your Vitamin D.

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Healthy: A relative term

Healthy (or health) is one of those terms that gets thrown around way too much. Anything can claim to be healthy. True health is described by the bold words below (from Merrium-Webster dictionary):

1.  Free from disease or pain

2. Showing physical, mental, or emotional well-being

3. Beneficial to one's physical, mental, or emotional

4. Prosperous, Flourishing

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Tina Jackson
My First Reiki Session!

Energy work has been on my “you need to do this” list for a few years now. It seems silly when I say it out loud. Why do we hold ourselves back from what we know we need? I do admit that I am overwhelmed by how many different types of energy work there are. I finally made an appointment with Maureen at Joti Reiki after Rebecca Jones Intuitive recommended her in my session with her.

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